Liberty, Missouri - USA

(816) 366-7077

Buyout 2.00.0022-beta

February 16, 2020


  • Enhanced interface to Sage 300 Purchasing so that commitments are validated by Buyout before they are written to the import file. Specifically, Buyout will check for a valid Vendor ID, Job Number, Extra (if specified), Cost Code, Category (if Categories are being used), and Tax Group (if taxes are being tracked). If an invalid code is found, the commitment will not be written to the import file and a rejection message containing the reason(s) for the rejection will be provided.
  • Enhanced interface to Sage 300 Purchasing to create the file to be imported in XML format rather than CSV. This was done to overcome limitations in the CSV file format. Now, when importing commitments into Purchasing, the user will select Tools / Import XML Orders.

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved issue where the program could report an error and terminate when the user enters a value on the last line of a grid and presses enter. This issue has been resolved.