May 19, 2020
Database Compatibility
IMPORTANT – After installing this update, you must launch Buyout Database Manager and upgrade your Buyout database(s). This version makes certain changes to the database in order to support some of the changes described below.
- The email functionality for sending requests for quotes and commitments has been improved. It is now possible to view and override the From Address at the time the emails are being sent. In addition, Cc and Bcc email addresses can now be included. Email addresses entered are validated to confirm that they conform to valid email address format. The ability to include attachments with commitments has also been added (previously, this was only an option when sending requests for quotes). In the Send Request for Quotes window, the email contact associated with each quote is now displayed so that the user can verify that quotes have an email address before sending. Finally, when sending emails (either Requests for Quote or Commitments), an email progress window is displayed showing each outbound email and its status as it is sent.
- It is now possible to enter a lump sum amount for a quote without needing to split the amount up by item. The lump sum amount for the quote can be entered in the “Bid Amount” column of list of quotes or, if viewing the line item detail for a quote, it may be entered in the “Subtotal” cell at the bottom of the window. When a lump sum amount is entered, the amount is allocated to each item based on prorating the amount by the total estimate for each item in the list of combined items. The unit price for each combined item is calculated based on the prorated amount and then the detail item amounts are calculated based on the units and unit price. Each item of the quote is marked as “Lump Sum”. To convert an item from a lump sum amount back to a unit price amount, right-click on the item and uncheck the “Lump Sum Price” option on the menu.
- Numeric fields now include a calculator. In any editable numeric field (such as Units, Unit Price, Amount), a calculator is now available. To display the calculator, either click the in-cell calculator button or press F11. The calculator provides allows for any mathematical expression to be entered and evaluated. This includes standard math operations which are available on the numeric keypad, as well as common math functions which are displayed in a list of functions.
- In prior versions Buyout allowed for multiple windows to be open at once (i.e., multiple Buyout Packages, plus the Pricing Editor). The windows were represented using simple plain-text labels that would appear below the toolbar ribbon. This has been replaced with a more traditional tab strip similar to Sage Estimating.